Effects of Infrared Waves
1) It may cause damage to the eyes and vision.
2) Generates heat and radiation.
Uses of Infrared Waves
1) Night Vision
Operates through the conversion of ambient light photons into electrons which are amplified by a chemical and electrical process which converts it into visible light.
2) Thermography
Infrared can be used to determine the temperature of objects. With it, we are able to see the temperature through the change in the colours. If the object is too hot in the NIV, using infrared to determine its temperature through the colours will be termed pyrometry.
3) Communication
Infrared can be used to send data from a part of the earth to another. They are found in computers which are commonly used for communication. Infrared are also found in the remote controls of televisions and also radios, and many other forms of communication.
4) Astronomy
Some telescopes contain infrared and these type of telescopes are used by scientists or astronomers to observe objects in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum using optical components, including mirrors, lenses and solid state digital detectors.
5) Climatology
In climatology, which is referring to the study of climate change, atmospheric infrared radiation is used to detect trends in the energy exchange between the Earth and the atmosphere. These trends will provide people with information about the long term changes in the Earth’s climate, and therefore they are able to provide a conclusion on it.
The picture on the left which we have is about the changes in colour as temperature changes. As mentioned before in Point 2 of the uses of infrared waves, infrared can also be used to determine the temperature of different objects. This point also mentioned about the colour changes due to the differences in the temperatures. This picture on the left exactly shows the colours which will appear or be revealed due to the different temperatures. For example, as shown in the picture, when the temperature of an object is 140D”F, the colour which appeared or which is being revealed will be light red. Then, when the temperature of another object is 20D”F, the colour which appeared or which is being revealed will become dark purple. This is something like the pH in Chemistry. And, when we look at the temperature of boiling water, the colour which appeared or which is being revealed will become light green. (The temperature of boiling water is 100ÂșC or 100D”F)
A picture showing the comparison between the looks of visible light and infrared. This are the looks of the two type of lights, or rather how they will appear when the night vision goggles are put on. The difference between the visible light and the infrared is that infrared is a low level light that is emitted by objects too cool to radiate visible light. The picture below now shows a summary of all the 7 types of waves (including infrared):
Our Sources and Acknowledgements (for the research, information and pictures):
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgjzt9YdHUA4GJDrqyippiYo7NMiEMPdwD3Wn7FpMDBL9E5FgVQZvNm_xe6j8wz3NG4OSEmtrJ5tx5lK_F7ygS9wJkP4-XuhI5UDPcncTDpLb5ElelZTrzSQWrEW7qW0claqbo86508qFI/s1600/14167-1.jpg (for the picture on the colour changes as temperature changes)
http://missionscience.nasa.gov/images/ems/emsInfraredWaves_mainContent_infrared-visible-infrared-comparison.png (for the picture - comparison of visible light and infrared)
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